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Impendi Analytics Website Redesign Case Study

  • Strategic sourcing execution firm, Impendi Analytics required a website redesign to attract more leads and potential recruits
  • We designed an entirely new, strategically planned and fully optimized website and brand strategy
  • The result: 81.09% increase in unique visitors shortly after launch
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Impendi Analytics Required A New Website To Capture Leads & Potential Recruits

Impendi website redesign


Impendi Analytics provides an invaluable service of improving clients’ revenue by optimizing costs and expenditure.

Unclear messaging, navigation, and cluttered copy made it difficult for prospects to understand Impendi’s offering and unique value proposition.


In addition, candidates interest in applying to join Impendi couldn’t find relevant career information and up-to-date job ads on their website. Low average time on site and low traffic pointed to poor user experience.



We Designed & Developed A Strategically Planned
& Optimized Website

To help Impendi attract and engage more prospects and better talent, we designed an entirely new website fully optimized for usability, conversions, and search engines.
Some of our deliverables included:

  • Brand Strategy

  • Digital Strategy

  • Website Design & Development

  • Sitewide Copywriting

Impendi website redesign

The Results

Two weeks after the new website launched, we achieved:

114 %

increase in page views

81 %

increase in unique visitors

23 %

decrease in bounce rate

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Our Experts Have Won Top Industry Awards

Recognized Web Design Agency Experts

Digital Silk IMA award
Digital Silk Telly award
Digital Silk Marcom award
Digital Silk Horizon Interactive award
Digital Silk Communicator award
Digital Silk Videographer award
Digital Silk Awwwards
Digital Silk W3 award
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  • Brand Strategy
  • Communication Strategy
  • Logo & Graphic Design
  • UI & UX Design
  • Package Design
  • Custom Web Design
  • Ecommerce Development
  • Mobile App Development
  • Software & AI Development
  • ERP Portal Integration
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Paid Media Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Creative Copywriting
  • Content Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • B2B Direct Marketing
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